My Lord, that's not what I believe will happen. Because a lot of Zamorakians are divided on whether you should take this RS gold stand, I don’t believe Iorworth will let you.... Iorworth. I've never said I would. I'll just absorb Seren's power from afar. There must be a perfect location. Maybe Movario knows. All I need to do is track down the coward.
When Zamorak is killed, he falls to the ground, turns black, and then shatters to ashes. The ground is then stabbed by his sword. You will then fall onto your back, with your legs straight and your arms spread out. your right hand releases the godly weapon. It transforms into a normal weapon. it transforms into an obsidian maul The other three have their items transformed into dragon-themed items similar to OSRS buy gold the one you have.